
Treaties of The Mystica Philosophia

Here is the exterior, and the interior of religious mystique and natural philosophy and law. But the first without the second is but empty fulfillment; but with this alone most are satisfied.

To have a simple concept of a deity, to apprehend some movements of the Celestial, with the common operations of it. the conception of certain terrestrial productions is only superficial and vulgar; But it is true, it is sublime, but religious philosophy; To understand the mysterious influences of the intellectual world upon the Celestial, and at the same time upon the Earthly, and to know how to ascertain such knowledge.

And if we ourselves had been able to receive superiors, who allow us to operate marvelous things, which even seem impossible, Or at least unable to reach, when in fact they can be effective supernatural scope and without any offense, or violation of religion.  But, true loyalty to Creator and Fervent Passion for Religious causes.

To defend kingdoms, nations, tribes, and peoples uncover the secret counsel of humanity, to defeat enemies, to redeem captives. Expelling illness, preserving health, prolonging life, renewing youth, prophesying future events.

To see and know things done many miles, and such as these, by virtue of superior influences, may seem incredible; Yet read, but the resulting potential of treaties, and you will see the possibility of it confirmed by both reason, and example.

Now, speaking to the judicious, for others know, neither believe, nor know anything, but what is vulgar, no, they think, that beyond that there is a little knowable thing; when as there are in fact profound mysteries in all beings, Even from God in the highest heavens, to those in the lowest hell; Year in many numbers, names, letters, characters, gestures, time. Place, and like, all who are through this learned knowledge thoroughly discussed.

Do not deny, but in this job there is a lot of superstition, and vanity. But remember that the best Gold must have the biggest allowance; Look at the time of darkness, and the inexperience of youth, when, where, and the things that had discovered and written, and thou wilt rather admire solidity, and then condemns vanity. Gold has much darkness adapting to it as soon as it has emerged from the earth.

Mysterious truths do not shine like the rays of the Sun whenever they are recovered from a long darkness,
but are covered with some obscurity ready to be refined by the sword of truth that sharpens like a two-edged sword. Separate evil from good, weigh people's hearts.