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The Capetian dynasty also known as the House of France, is a dynasty of Frankish origin, ... being addressed as "the Widow Capet


Hugh aids Archbishop of Reims

Until the end of the tenth century, Reims was the most important of the archiepiscopal seats of France. Situated in Carolingian lands, the archbishop claimed the primacy of Gaul and the privilege to crown kings and direct their chancery. Therefore, the Archbishop of Reims traditionally had supported the ruling family and had long been central to the royal policy. But the episcopal city was headed by Adalberon of Rheims, nephew of Adalberon of Metz (a faithful prelate to the Carolingians), elected by the King Lothair in 969, but who had family ties to the Ottonians.

We have both the Bull by which Sal·la carried out the excommunication,32 and a circular letter in which he communicated it to his fellows, in which he explained himself as follows:
Our tongue cannot tell you, oh most holy fathers, nor letters contain how great and many persecutions have been brought upon us by depraved and perverse men in recent days. However, due to forceful necessity we shall intimate to you a few things of many. For in the present year nine hundred and ninety one of the Lord’s ministry, iniquitous men immersed themselves in the sworn destruction of the Church so that they might drive out the agents of princes, who were seen to rule or hold the diocesan lands of the mother of our

Lord, kind Mary... In such a way did their malice grow, that by their persuasion the counts and princes took away from our power, from us and from the Church, to which we administer the benefits of Christ, all the diocesan churches and all tax which by episcopal right ought to be paid to us from two whole counties, namely Cerdanya and Berga, by no blame of ours, but always humbly did we seek satisfaction over this from them. And not only did they steal those suffragan churches, but also those fruits and tithes which the Lord had given them the previous year, and also expelled our ministers from there by force. On account of which we entreat only too much the sanctity of your loftiness that you will not defer from excommunicating those nefarious men who excited the spirits of the princes and counts to this infamy, that is Arnau and Radulf and also their followers as well...



(Barcelona 1994), pp. 25-40.
30 Abadal, “L’abat Oliba”, pp. 162-164.
31 Ibid., pp. 167-169. In English a brief treatment in J. A. Bowman, Shifting Landmarks: property, proof, and dispute in Catalonia around the year 1000, Conjunctions of Religion and Power in the Medieval Past (Ithaca 2004), p. 71.
32 Urgell 224.

Sallaen famille: lands and succession
This then is Sal·la as churchman; high-handed, grand, verbose and sometimes downright sneaky, all in the service of the “mother of our Lord, kind Mary, for whom we are the agent of God

Cathar Ritual

Lyon Ritual

Manuscript: Lyon, Bibliothèque 

(in Catalonian Language- The forbidden romantic language is hard to find a English translation for- but, working to find) Why would it be forbidden? Do these people & their language pose a threat to todays man made churches? Because they The Catalonians were originally divine appointed royal churches?