La Fleur de Lis Church

The Church 

If you're looking to discover the rich cultural heritage of French Native American peoples, La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church for the restoration of the faith and religion. This church is available online for more ways to connect our hearts and minds and scriptures of the Word as historic Frenchmen Natives of Louisiana and Texas, who have been a vibrant part of the Religious Catholic Culture and Faith for centuries and our ancestors have United as a multi culture community unique and inspiring cultural heritages.

The People 

French Creoles as Native American peoples. La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church strives to serve the French Native American community of Louisiana and Texas as well as kin living Internationally. As Native Families to the Louisiana territory prior to the Louisiana Purchase and the Colonies becoming United as States. The Church Matriarchate of the Saint Mary Star of the Seas, seek to restore the authentic teachings of the Catholic Culture and faith to the regions. The church has always been a focal point of spiritual and cultural growth for generations for French Native Americans, and it continues to be a vibrant source of faith and culture to this day.

The church along with the Seal of the Fleur De Lis (the Lily of the Valley) is an iconic symbol of the French Native American presence. Its ornate archaic sign reminiscent of the ancient and old world from which our ancestors have known a reminder of the long and rich history of the people who have called Louisiana and Texas. The church is also home to a unique collection of history research religious education and heritage library and artifacts.

The church is also home to a number of unique ceremonies and events, including the annual French Native American gathering church bazaar , which brings together members of the community from around the country to celebrate their shared heritage. This event is a great way to connect with the culture of the French Native American people and to learn more about their history and traditions.

The Community 

At La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church, the people are the heart of the community. The church is home to a diverse group of people who come together to celebrate the unique culture of the French Native American people. The church is home to a variety of ministries and programs that are dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and building community.

The Vision

At La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church, the vision is to create a spiritual home for the French Native American people. The church seeks to provide a restoration of faith and culture welcoming. A space for people to come together to celebrate their culture and to grow in their faith. The church also seeks to create a sense of community and to foster a sense of belonging within the French Native American community. The church works to create an environment where everyone can feel welcomed, accepted, and respected. The church also works to provide a place of solace and comfort to those who are seeking spiritual guidance.

Principles of Faith

At La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church, the principles of faith are rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church. The church seeks to provide a place of spiritual growth and to foster an environment of love, acceptance, and understanding.

The church is also committed to upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church and to providing a place of worship and development of spiritual leadership and devotion for members of the French Native American community. 

Who We Serve

At La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church, we serve the French Native American community. We are committed to providing a faithful and welcoming place for people to come together to celebrate their culture and to grow in their faith.

We strive to create an environment where everyone can feel accepted and respected.

We are also committed to providing a place of solace and comfort to those who are seeking spiritual guidance. We seek to create a place of peace and understanding and to provide a safe haven for people who are searching for answers and guidance.


Discovering the Rich Cultural Heritage of French Native American Peoples at La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church is a unique and inspiring experience. This church is a vibrant source of faith and culture and continues to be a focal point of spiritual and cultural growth for generations of French Native Americans. If you're looking to connect with the culture of the French Native American people and to learn more about their history and traditions, La Fleur de Lis Catholic Church is a great place to start.


La Fleur De Lis Church is a Independent Religious Church of the Catholic Culture and Faith. We do not represent all of those who share our heritage, but we do honor and respect all those who have a difference of belief. We believe creativity and the truth of history will lead to the healing and health of our nation starting at the root of the cause which is the nature of who we truly are and that as history has shown us seems to be a truth not fully told in addition a truth that has been hidden or over time erased. Our Passion for our People through our Ministries is to create solidarity in knowledge and wisdom gained through lived experiences and knowledge of religion and historical facts. The best preservation for our people has always been the church and the Catholic Religion. May all Multi Culture People of the Faith be United in truth. 

-The Ministries

⚜️La Fleur De Lis 

Our Church & Ministries of The Faith

All are welcome. Although our passion is for our people we do know that service to all is for the betterment of all people and good for humanity to be United in truth and wisdom of the scriptures. 

Our Purpose & Initiatives

Through religion arts and science
Ancient spiritual wisdom of The Scriptures for the truth and Nature of truth that shines by the Culture of The Holy Spirit. We embrace the teachings and catholic culture traditions of our ancestors.

Faith comes from what is heard,
and what is heard comes through the Word of Christ. But I ask, did they not hear?
Certainly they did; for: (Roman’s 10:17) The Heavens Declare the Glory of GodUnto the end. Day proclaims the WORD to day, and night to night imparts KNOWLEDGE.


The law of the Lord is immaculate converting souls. The testimony of the Lord is faithful providing wisdom. The justice of the Lord is right rejoicing hearts. The precepts of the Lord are brilliant enlightening the eyes
The respect and honor of the Lord is holy enduring for all generations.

You have the anointing that comes from the Holy One, and you all have knowledge. In which every lie is alien to the truth. (1 John 2:20) The Word of Godbecame flesh and dwelt among us. To those who accepted him. He gave power to become the children of God.

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
All things came to be through him,
and without him nothing came to be.
What came to be through him was life,
and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

The Soul of our religious culture and visionary sacrament as the colors of religiosity transformation. With Multi Cultural, Indigenous Peoples focus ministries and Nation, you’ll be able to capture The Way of Wisdom and The Truth in all their magnificence. The Sacred Practitioners and Religious Leaders of our Church provide wisdom, care and devotion for our Nation. As the way-restorers of the authentic nature of the culture and science of religion.

Prayer: is the sacred medicine.

Used to combat spiritual, physical, and other social suffering.


continuous efforts to integrate the authenticity and truth Principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations, and contribute to United Nations goals, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. As well, for the fulfillment of the Articles for rights of indigenous peoples. Development of the intercultural education that reflects the cosmovision, histories, languages, knowledge, values, cultures, practices, and ways of life of multi cultural indigenous peoples

Indigenous spirituality (Religious Arts & Church & religion)

  1. Indigenous peoples have the right freely to exercise their own spirituality and beliefs and, by virtue of that right, to practice, develop, transmit, and teach their traditions, customs, and ceremonies, and to carry them out in public and in private, whether individually or collectively.
  2. No indigenous people or individual shall be subjected to pressures or impositions, or any other type of coercive measures that might impair or limit their right freely
  3. Indigenous peoples have the right to preserve, protect, and access their sacred sites, including their burial grounds, to use and control their sacred objects and relics, and to recover their human remains.
  4. States, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, shall adopt effective measures, to promote respect for indigenous spirituality and beliefs, and to protect the integrity of the symbols, practices, ceremonies, expressions, and spiritual protocols of indigenous peoples, in accordance with international law.

    Indigenous family
  5. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society. Indigenous peoples have the right to preserve, maintain, and promote their own family.
  6. States shall recognize, respect, and protect the various indigenous forms of family, in particular, the extended family, as well as their forms of matrimonial union, filiation, descent, and family name.

social teaching: The development of the concept of subsidiarity has roots in the natural law philosophy.


The Religious Freedom Restoration Act:
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) establishes rights beyond those protections afforded by the Constitution’s free exercise clause by creating a heightened standard of review for government actions that substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion.

The First Amendment provides that the government “shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” According to the Supreme Court, the clause protects individuals’ right to exercise their religion of choice and prohibits government regulations that target religious beliefs. The free exercise clause protects not only religious beliefs but acts involved with religious practice. Under the clause, the government may not compel religious belief, punish religious expression, or impose regulations that favor one religion over another.


The need for more to Act on what's right
and Just for all. Indigenous peoples around the world are facing increasing threats
to their lands, resources, and cultures. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are important international instruments that recognize and protect the rights of indigenous peoples. However, these instruments are not always adequately implemented or enforced. The Indigenous Peoples Act, passed in 1994, is a Canadian law that recognizes and affirms the rights of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Act sets out a number of important principles, including the right of Indigenous peoples to self-determination, the need to consult and negotiate in good faith with Indigenous peoples, and the recognition of Aboriginal and treaty rights. The Indigenous Peoples Act is an important step forward in the recognition and protection of the rights of Indigenous peoples. However, more needs to be done to ensure that these rights are
fully implemented and enforced.

Culture of Life

Culture of life

We find ourselves at a crucial moment in the history, a moment when humanity has to choose its future.

As our world grows ever more interdependent and vulnerable to assimilation in diverse ways unknown to our ancestors, the future presents both great dangers and great promises.

We arrive at a point where there is a fork in the road and we need to make a conscious decision.

To move forward, we must acknowledge this in the context of a magnificent diversity of cultures.

And the forms of life are a human family and an earthly community with a common destiny.

We must work together to create an enduring global society based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.

To do so, it is imperative that we, the peoples of the world, declare our responsibility to one another, to the greater community of life and to future generations.

The protection of place we call home the community’s vitality, diversity, and beauty is a sacred trust. The resilience of the community of life and the well-being of humanity depend upon preserving a healthy culture and religion which gives us the moral wisdom and knowledge of the heart.

Fundamental changes are needed in our values, institutions, and ways of living. We must realize that when basic needs have been met, human development

Accept Everyone shares responsibility for the present and future well-being of the apart of community.

Declare The inner principles for a co-creating way of life as a standard by which the conduct our life paths

As Guardians of community that communities at all levels guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms and provide everyone an opportunity to realize his or her full potential.

Recognize that the freedom of action of is qualified by the needs of our future generations.

Share stories and be keepers of wisdom for future generations values, religious and culture heritage and traditions, that support the long-term needs of our community.

Honor and support the children of our communities, enabling them to fulfill their essential role in creating sustainable societies.Allowing them to have a voice.

Protect and restore cultural and spiritual significance

Declare our right as multi culture indigenous peoples to their spirituality, knowledge, lands and resources and to their related practice of sustainable livelihoods

Strengthen families and ensure the safety and loving nurture of all family members.

The Commitment of this Charter principles are to fulfill, we must commit ourselves to adopt and promote the values and objectives of the Charter.

Change of mind and heart and thinking about the true reason we are here, less on the material world and more towards understanding that we are spiritual people first.

Remembrance of our roots in the religion and the Word and truth that leads to life

Action in our commitment to our nation to the fundamental principles of this charter and constitution so that we may become as stated within the scriptures a Holy People approved by Our Creator

Statement of Faith

Nature and Doctrine

The term “doctrine” includes, but is not limited to, policies, practices, purposes, aims, or procedures

Nature of our ministries

We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible ,and invisible: And in One Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God; The Word of Truth of God The Father Ancient of Days, before all worlds ; by whom all things were made. Our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary. He was crucified by those who do not love truth; He rose again the third day as he said; and ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father; and He will come to judge the living and the dead. The Eternal whose kingdom shall have no end: And in One Holy Spirit, the Advocate Great Comforter, who spoke by the Ancient Prophets: and in One Baptism by Water and of the Spirit of The Flame for redemption: One Nation Holy and Sacred as The Body of The Church as living vessels: and in the Resurrection of the dead to life eternal: and in the Life everlasting.

We believe in the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit,
In whom knowledge comes from. The holy and sacred nation and saintly moral people as vessels and body of the living church of God, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen


We are committed to building a community of faith and love that is just, dignified and filled with just moral action. Together with Christ, let us announce the good news to the poor such as us. We are committed to eliminating the many faces of poverty in our midst — spiritually, economically and morally. With Christ, let us defend the dignity of human life.